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Education is a core component of CR

Patient education is considered a core component of cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programmes. The objective of this study was to assess […]

Cardiac Rehabilitation features in HPN

Cardiac Rehabilitation is featured in this months Hospital Professional News

2023 November Update to Membership


Dear IACR members,

I hope you remain well. On behalf of Council, I am taking this opportunity to update you on the continued work of the
IACR on your behalf to ensure effective advocacy for CR services

IACR Conference November 10th 2023


An exciting agenda for this year’s conference. To attend – register by emailing

World Heart Day – ‘It’s Cardiac Rehab!’

avatar Evidence shows that CARDIAC REHABILITATION BENEFITS patients  after a cardiac event or procedure. Listen to the podcast to find […]

World Heart Day – Why Cardiac Rehabilitation?


“Cardiac rehabilitation is all about getting you BETTER than before”. Watch this video with a message from Dr. Aashish Contractor […]

IACR Conference 2023


IACR Conference and AGM will be held on November 10th in the Richmond Education Centre, 1 Brunswick Street, Dublin 1. […]

2023 July Membership Update

Dear IACR members,

I hope you remain well. On behalf of Council, I am taking this opportunity to update you on the continued work of the
IACR on your behalf to ensure effective advocacy for CR services.

First guidelines on Women-focused Cardiac Rehabilitation

First guidelines on Women-focused Cardiac Rehabilitation. Women are an under-represented patient group in cardiac rehab, despite great need. Therefore ICCPR […]

First International CR Registry Report (2022)

Check out the outcomes of patients in ICRR-participating CR programmes. We measure up! Click here to read the full report. […]