Exercise Settings Matter for Those with Coronary Artery Disease
For those with coronary artery disease – exercise training, especially in-person sessions, was associated with improved health related quality of
Improving physical & emotional wellbeing following a cardiac event
Improving physical & emotional wellbeing following a cardiac event
Improving physical & emotional wellbeing following a cardiac event
Defined as – ‘The sum of activity required to ensure the best possible physical, emotional and social conditions so that patients with chronic or post-acute cardiovascular disease may, by their own efforts, preserve or resume their place in the life of the community’ World Health Organisation
Cardiac Rehabilitation aims to improve physical and emotional health as well as quality of life for patients following a cardiac event. ‘It’s Cardiac Rehab!’ is a novel podcast series provides an insight into the way the programme is structured as well as an opportunity to hear from those who deliver the programme as well as those who shared their experience of what it’s like to attend cardiac rehabilitation.
‘It’s Cardiac Rehab!’ is a six episode podcast series bringing together cardiac rehabilitation professionals, expert clinicians and people who participated in a cardiac rehab programme to discuss a variety of topics including exercise, medications, healthy eating and the psychological impact of living with heart disease.
The podcast has been developed by the IACR in collaboration with the Irish Heart Foundation and supported by Servier Laboratories (Ireland) Ltd.
For those with coronary artery disease – exercise training, especially in-person sessions, was associated with improved health related quality of
29th Annual Conference and AGM Richmond Education Centre, Dublin09:00 – 16:00 Registration – email: info@iacrcouncil.ie IACR members – Free Non Members
An update of the American Heart Association and American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation 2007 document – defining the
IACR together with ICCPR proudly say ‘YES’ to cardiac rehabilitation, a comprehensive and proven approach to improving cardiovascular health for
CR programmes are effective in improving medication adherence by an overall effect size of 14 % with high study heterogeneity.
Cardiac Rehabilitation is featured in this months Hospital Professional News
IACR - committed to maintaining an excellent standard of care informed by international best practice.